Why Your OBGYN Doctor Could Prescribe Hormonal Birth Control, Even When You Are Celibate


A good number of women are aware of the importance of visiting an OBGYN doctor regularly, as these check-ups help with maintaining their reproductive health. During these wellness exams, the OBGYN will carry out an array of tests such as a PAP smear, breast exam, pelvic exam, and even take urine samples to screen for any potential abnormalities that would require medical intervention.

However, if you are not sexually active, the last thing that you would expect is for your OBGYN doctor to prescribe hormonal birth control for your reproductive health, and this can be attributed to the fact that most people associate birth control with the prevention of conception. But this is not always the case. In some instances, birth control options such as pills, injections, and even hormonal implants could be vital for your overall health in several ways.

For more information, check out a few of the reasons why your OBGYN doctor could prescribe hormonal birth control, even when you are celibate.

Hormonal birth control can help resolve hormonal acne

There are multiple reasons why one could develop acne in their adulthood. Although clogged pores due to an inadequate skincare routine could contribute to regular outbreaks, you should also bear in mind that your acne could stem from hormonal fluctuations. Similar to how teenagers are prone to acne breakouts due to the influx of hormones during their adolescent years, you can also expect adults to develop acne when there is a spike in androgenic activity in their bodies.

If the painful pimples are affecting your quality of life while also detracting from your appearance, your OBGYN doctor could prescribe hormonal birth control to mitigate this issue. The progesterone and estrogen in the birth control pills alleviate hormonal fluctuations by limiting androgenic activity. As a result, you will find that your skin is not only free of spots and pimples, but the previous blemishes could fade away too.

Hormonal birth control can help limit your risk of ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts refer to fluid-filled pockets that form on the surface of the ovary during ovulation. Even though these cysts are rarely a major health concern, as they do not have much of an impact on the woman's reproductive health, they can be incredibly painful. Generally, ovarian cysts will come about due to underlying health conditions, such as endometriosis, untreated pelvic inflammation, and even pregnancy. But in some scenarios, the cysts may be caused by a hormonal imbalance. If irregular hormones are the source of the ovarian cysts, the OBGYN doctor will prescribe hormonal birth control to limit your ovulation cycle and, consequently, hinder the formation of the ovarian cysts.

For more information, reach out to an OBGYN doctor, such as Dr. Ronald Cypher MD, near you.


21 January 2022

A Healthy Pregnancy

Have you recently found out you’re expecting your first baby? Perhaps, you’re both ecstatic and apprehensive. You likely want to do everything in you power to protect the health of your unborn child. If you can relate to this scenario, talk with your trusted OBGYN. This medical professional can offer expert suggestions about issues things such as proper diet and exercise. For instance, your OBGYN might advise you to consume more foods packed with certain nutrients such as potassium and calcium. This individual may also recommend you complete some form of light to moderate exercise on most days of the week. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious tips to help you enjoy a healthy pregnancy.